Our Event Tipis are fantastic structures but how should we spell them.
We call them tipis, yet we take our name from Kåta. Our friends at Garden Tepee call them tepees. But should they spell them with one e as in “Tepee” or with two e as in “Teepee”?  In this article we will try and get to the bottom of all this confusion
The word thípi meaning dwelling comes from the Native American Lakota tribe located in what is no known as Iowa and the Dakotas. When adopted into English the word became tipi. The word tipi is used to describe a conical, portable structure with two adjustable smoke flaps. So technically our tepees should be spelled tipi. However, it is pronounced TEE-PEE hence the alternative spelling. As the English Language is full of complexities the word tipi can be spelled tepee or teepee. It just comes down to personal preference.
But where does Kåta come in as used by Kåtachiefs originate.
The original event tepees originate in Scandinavia. These tepees were not based upon the tipis or the Native American tribes but of the Kåta constructed by the Sami People of Northen Europe. These structures are very similar to the tipis from North America and consist of wooden poles in a conical shape covered in canvas.
Whether you spell it “tipi”, “tepee”, “teepee”, or call them a “kåta”, a Garden Tepee is an excellent addition to your garden
If you interested in having your own tipi event get in touch today Contact Us